4 Things You Didn’t Know about Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

January 18, 2021

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin..." Zach 4:10

Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday and his dream that the United States of America would become a nation of equality and unity. Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is one of the best known and most inspirational speeches of all time. But have you considered…
  1. The speech was originally titled Normalcy, Never Again.
    Looking forward requires us to let go of our old view of "normal". How can we challenge our view of "normal" and strive for something more in our faith and in our unity? 

  2. While Dr. King began the speech reading from prepared text, he abandoned that mid-way through the speech. The “I have a dream…” portion of the speech was improvised.
    Sometimes, speaking from our hearts may be more impactful than the careful execution of our minds. What is on your heart today?

  3. The speech was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century by a 1999 poll of scholars of public address.
    What is about this speech that resonates in so many American's hearts? How was Dr. King able to reach such a diverse and polarized audience?

  4. A group of teenagers walked 225 miles from New York City for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom which included Dr. King’s speech. "
    Never underestimate the power of youth. Invite a discussion with someone you know who is younger than you. Listen to their thoughts about justice, politics and faith. Share your experiences. So much growth and understanding can develop in intergenerational conversation!
"Every movement, every triumph, every success – big or small – starts with a dream. Every one of us can envision a better world. And every one of us can picture ourselves as a part of the solution, making the world a better place."
What can you do to serve someone TODAY: in your family, in your church, in your community?

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