The Denver Church of Christ, The HOPEww - Denver Chapter and the IRC (International Rescue Committee) are working together to furnish the apartments of refugees arriving in the United States!
WHO: New families moving into the U.S. through the International Rescue Committee
WHEN: Family groups will arrange when they are able to directly drop off their donation at the IRC office sometime during the week of June 21-26.
WHAT: Each family group arranges to collect a standard 13 gallon kitchen garbage can filled with the following items (it's ok if the items don't actually all fit into the can!):
- Bathroom wastebaskets (new)
- Twin sheet sets (new or gently used)
- Twin and full-size blankets (new or gently used)
- Laundry Detergent (new)
- All-purpose cleaner (new)
WHERE: You can deliver donated items to the IRC office at 1873 S Bellaire St, 5TH Floor, Denver, CO 80222
The building and elevators are open 6:30am to 6:00pm and Saturdays between the hours of 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
The IRC do not have staff regularly in our office during the COVID pandemic but if you notify, Jennifer (303-882-5620), you can leave items just outside the locked glass doors at our entrance and someone will retrieve them as promptly as possible.
If the office is open to clients and the public by then, the hours to leave would be Monday-Friday 8:30 – 4:30 pm , but items can also be left just outside the IRC office glass doors on the 5th floor if the office is closed.