We are sad to announce that this year’s Father-Son Campout has been cancelled. We surveyed past-year attendees and over 1/2 expressed concerns about holding the event and indicated that they would not feel comfortable attending with their sons. We feel that such a significant reduction in attendees would negatively impact several of the intended goals of our campout. Additionally, compliance with CO camping advisements (which currently require that we 'Camp only with members of your household in your local region. Do not invite visitors to your campsite') would be nearly impossible to abide by and are at odds with the bonding and fellowship dimensions of our weekend getaways. (Protection by our church insurance company in the event someone contracted COVID would require us to demonstrate adherence to the state rules.) While we recognize the fluid nature of COVID-19 restrictions and understand that they could be eased by the time of our event, we are not able to wait until the last minute to conduct our planning and registration.
We do encourage all our fathers and sons to plan alternative memory-making experiences this summer. We look forward to hosting a fantastic event for our fathers and sons in 2021!