Spiritual Discovery Group

Stephanie Dean • July 19, 2023

Beginning in October 2023!

  • "What keeps me from feeling loved, free, and connected?” 
  • "Why do I feel like running away or hiding?" 
  • "I want to have close relationships, but I'm so afraid to let people close.” 
  • “Why do I keep falling into the same sinful patterns?” 
  • "How can I overcome and be victorious?" 
  • "Where is the freedom in Christ?" 
  • "What stops me from feeling God's love?" 
  • "Why don't I just believe?" 

In Spiritual Discovery you will discover answers to these questions. 

We will start to question what we truly believe deep down about ourselves, God and others. 

Proverbs 20:5 The purposes of a person's heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. 

We all brought baggage with us from childhood. Some of us have heavier bags than others, but we all have baggage to some extent. Our baggage is packed with conclusions we came to believe about life. These conclusions influence what we believe about ourselves, what we believe about God and what we believe about other people. 

This baggage can still affect us today as we try to live a Christian life. We can struggle again and again with the same thing, because we deeply believe something about ourselves that is not true. It is Satan's lie, and his stronghold in our lives. Lies we believe can lead to discouragement, disconnection, disengagement, codependency and addictions. 

If we are unaware that our struggle is part of a spiritual battle rooted in a lie that we believe, we are left to try to manage the effects of the lie and deal with the consequences each time it resurfaces. The struggle continues because we are only treating the symptoms, not the root cause. Further, when a lie distorts our view of God, we are less likely to turn to him for help. 

Spiritual Discovery is a bible study to help you to identify the lies you believe and discover the truth that will demolish these strongholds in your life.  In small groups of around 4 women each, you will learn 7 principles that will help you break your unhealthy patterns. It is intended for use as a group study guide and includes discussion questions and homework to guide you on a journey of Spiritual Discovery.

If you are interested in joining a Spiritual Discovery group and/or would like more information, please reach out to Colleen Mueller at 1-224-475-5881.

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