Prayer Challenge Week 1: Impossible Prayer!

Rob Ferry • October 19, 2020

Why You Need to Pray Impossible Prayers

Like so many people, I struggled to pray consistently and effectively for years. Even with good intentions, I'd often get distracted or even bored when I prayed. As a young intern, a friend of mine helped convince me it was time for a change. For too long, I had tolerated faithless prayers but knew God wanted more for me, and I wanted to know Him more intimately.

"Do you believe God still does miracles?"

"Of course," I said.

"Good- because your prayers are so lame."

I tried to laugh with him, but my friend's joke stung - mostly because he was right. Left speechless, I offered no defense as I processed the truth of his observation. I couldn't deny that he voiced a secret I already knew but didn't want to admit: my prayers were pathetic.

Our #2K40 Prayer Challenge is designed to help anyone who feels stuck in a prayer rut, praying repetitive, predictable, and safe prayers.

We serve a God who can do more than we can ask or imagine. So it's time to stop playing it safe. We weren't created for a life of comfort. We are passionate and powerful, charged with changing the world in radical ways! I encourage you in week one of our prayer challenge to break through the boundaries that will inspire you to pray dangerously and to live boldly.

As I studied the Bible more, I marveled at the variety of prayers spoken by God's people. Not only did the pray about things that were incredibly personal- to conceive a child, for instance (1 Sam. 1:27)- but also their prayers were often so practical, for food and provisions (Matt. 6:11) and escape from their enemies (Ps. 59:1-2). Sometimes they seemed to gently whisper to a loving God. Other times they yelled at him in agony and frustration.

Their prayers were honest. Desperate. Fiery. Gutsy, Real. And there I was praying that God would keep me safe and bless my burger and fries.

My friend was right.

My Prayers were lame.
Maybe you can relate. It's not that you don't believe in prayer. You do. But you're stuck in a rut. You pray about the same struggles and the same requests. In the same way. At the same time. If you even try to pray at all.

You probably know you should pray more. And with more passion. More faith. You want to talk to God and to listen to him, to share an intimate conversation like you would with your spouse or best friend. You really want to but aren't sure how. So your prayers remain safe.

Flat. Dull. Predictable. Stale. Boring.

My friend's wake-up call convinced me that it was time for a change in my prayer life. For too long, I had tolerated lackluster, faithless, and mostly empty prayers. I knew God wanted more for me, and I wanted to know Him more intimately, despite my hesitation about what it would require of me.

When we're seeking to communicate with God in real, vulnerable, and intimate prayer, He's not wrapping us in a bubble of spiritual safety. Instead he bursts our what's-in-it-for-me bubble and invites us to trust Him when we don't know what He will do next.

Some days we feel blessed. Other days we face challenges, opposition, and persecution. But every moment of impossible and dangerous prayers will be filled with His presence.

Are you ready for more? Are you sick of playing it safe? Are you ready to pray impossible, daring, faith-filled, God-honoring, life-changing, world-transforming prayers?

If you are, then our #2K40 Prayer Challenge is for you.

But be warned: there will be bumps. When you start to pray things like "search me, break me, send me," you may experience valleys. Attacks. Trials. Pain. Hardship. Discouragement. Even heartbreak.

But there will also be the joy of faith, the marvel of miracles, the relief of surrender, and the pleasure of pleasing God.

It's time to stop praying safe.
It's time to start talking, really talking- and really listening- to God.
It's time for impossible prayers.

Remember to log your prayer miles/minutes by clicking HERE! And feel free to inspire others by posting photos of your prayer walks on your social media! You can use the following tags to make your posts more visible:
#2K40 @OurDenverChurch #prayerwalk #prayerworks
#prayer #unity #together #loveGodlovePeopleloveDenver
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