COVID 19 Update: Safer at Home

May 18, 2020

The Denver Church of Christ is committed to putting our members first as we navigate through this pandemic. The staff and leadership of the church are unified in following the direction of the state and our local authorities. 

The virus is still present in Colorado and can re-surge at any time. Everyone needs to do their part for themselves, their loved ones, and our community. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to each other to protect our state and our community.

Currently, Colorado is in Level 2: Safer at Home. We are no longer ordered to stay home but are strongly advised to stay at home. Critical businesses are open and non-critical businesses are operating with restrictions.  During this current level, the church will continue to promote virtual interactions for church related events such as Sunday services, mid-weeks, family groups, etc. It will be up to each member to determine the level of exposure and responsibility they are comfortable with for themselves, families and friends. 

As stated earlier, we are committed to following the direction of our state and local leadership and encourage our members to do so also. For the latest news, restrictions, advice and direction go to

Let us all continue to stay safe and be smart in our interactions with others.

Many Blessings,

The Denver Church of Christ Leadership

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