Joseph was sold into slavery, accused of assaulting Potipher’s wife, and thrown into prison- talk about being quarantined! All in all, he experienced turmoil for 13 years! After interpreting Pharaoh's dream he was appointed 2nd in command. With the wisdom that was revealed to him by God he was able to save thousands of people from famine. When he reunited with his brothers they thought Joseph was going to mistreat them for what they did to him years earlier. Here’s Joseph’s response to them:
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
Genesis 50:20.
From a worldly perspective, Joseph had every reason to be angry at his brothers, and at God. But he saw that God was working the whole time! If he hadn't gone through what he did, many peoples lives would have been at stake.
We don’t know what God is doing right now, but we do know that He is working! He worked to bring good out of Joseph’s situation, and He will bring good out of this situation! If we're honest, we can look back in our own lives when we too were delivered some unfortunate event or news and we now see the blessings that came from that situation. Lets remember God can do the same thing here. Let's persevere and be patient like Joseph and we will eventually see God’s work!
During this time let's look at this situation in a positive way. It is on one hand very devastating for many families who are losing family members, jobs, etc. On the other hand this time can be quite transformative for many of us if we allow it. Let us trust that whatever is happening in the world right now, God is in control. Lets trust in God and allow Him to use every circumstance to sharpen and refine us. Let us draw nearer to God in such a time as this. God is working!