To our friends and family within the Denver Church of Christ,
It has been a week of unprecedented events as the Coronavirus COVID-19 has affected cities and communities the world over. In unbelievable acts of solidarity businesses, governments and community entities everywhere are attempting to halt the spread of this virus. The way they are doing this is to ask employees, fans and members of their organizations to stay home for a predetermined period of time in order to limit the amount of contact with people who are infected and may not yet even know it.
After much advice, discussion and prayer the leadership of the Denver Church of Christ has decided to move in step with what so many of these organizations are doing. Therefore, we will plan to NOT meet together for Sunday services until Palm Sunday, April 5th. We hope that by doing this our fellowship can do its part to protect our community. In addition we will be cancelling all events on our Church Calendar for the same duration of time.
While this is a time that many people in the world will live in fear and despair we have an opportunity as a church to be a bright light. Our fellowship has been taught and trained for times such as these to see the needs and meet them for our neighbors, for our greater communities and of course, for one another. When the world seems to be at its darkest moments our church can shine bright!
We will commune together during our online services each week at 10:30 AM. We will continue our series entitled “Promises” as we study the book of Deuteronomy. More than ever, perhaps, people will be looking for direction and comfort. Please direct your friends and family to our services that will be streamed online each Sunday. In addition, it will be during this time that we will be making renewed and creative efforts to keep the fellowship connected.
Over the next few weeks you will receive regular email with new content that we will be creating just for our fellowship. Some of them will be videos while others will contain Bible studies. We will also send out family devotionals you can do during this time to help talk with your kids about what is going on. I encourage you to take the time to open every message you receive from the church knowing that your brothers and sisters will also be receiving the same words of encouragement. We will be sharing good news from what is happening all over the church and all the wonderful things we believe God will do in his ever mysterious ways.
While we will miss seeing everyone together each week there is nothing barring us from checking in with one another consistently. It is imperative we do! We will do as family always does and look out for each other.
I look forward to the celebration and joy of coming back together again for Sunday Service on April 5th, one week before Easter! I am sure there will be so many amazing things that God will do through such times as these to build our faith in Him.
It is difficult to determine what the next few weeks will bring for our nation and our world. If we need to change our plans we will let you know very quickly. As we receive new information about how to respond to COVID-19 and its affect on our fellowship we will make it a priority to communicate with all of you both through email and our social media platforms.
We love you all and we have faith that by taking the steps we’ve outlined our church is doing its part to protect from COVID-19 the many vulnerable and susceptible individuals in our city. Please pray with us for their protection and that God does a great work through us during this time.
Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)
10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
With Love and in Christ,
Chris Zillman and the Leadership of the Denver Church of Christ
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