WEEKLY RECAP! (Howling is Biblical)
Christopher Zillman • April 19, 2020
April 12th- 18th
A series to review the weekly "doings" of the Denver Church of Christ hosted by Chris Zillman. A combination of information, biography, philosophy and theology. Super boring. Necessary. Here are some reviews of the series:
“Do I watch them? I say that I do. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, I’m not a monster. But no, of course I don’t actually watch them. This is just like the short stories he used to send to us when he was in college and thought he’d become a famous novelist some day. It's painful to watch people you love attempt over and over again to do something they have no aptitude for even though they think that they do. I just hope this whole virus thing sends soon and he moves on to other things. I’m running out of different ways to make up compliments for the videos I never watch.”
-From an immediate relative.
“No, no, no. PLEASE stop making these videos. I don’t know what stage of grief that rage is, but that’s where I am right now. When I think of all the artists throughout history that lived in poverty and destitution while creating their art and dying largely unknown it grieves me. They never understood that one day be remembered as GREAT. Chris Zillman is not one of those guys. Though he also seems destined to die impoverished and unknown. I guess I feel consoled by that.”
- Curator of the Museum of Modern Art in Toledo
“I just wonder sometimes if guys like this have any friends. I mean true friends. Ones that will tell him his breath stinks, that the shirt he’s wearing is ugly or that he doesn’t have the modicum of talent it takes to publish a video on YouTube. And it doesn’t doesn’t take much talent to be honest. These videos are like watching an awkward QVC host try and sell undergarments to the elderly. Its a slow motion train wreck you can’t not watch. I would pity his unawareness if watching these videos didn’t hurt so much.”
- Producer of American Idol (second season, episode four)