Weekly Recap! (Interview with Vince Hawkins)

Chris Zillman • June 14, 2020

A series to review the weekly "doings" of the Denver Church of Christ hosted by Chris Zillman. A combination of information, biography, philosophy and theology. Super boring. Necessary. Here are some reviews of the series:

“Vince Hawkins is a national treasure and it is an outrage that a hack like Chris Zillman should assume to think he can interview such a man for Weekly Recap! It is like televising a conversation between a two-year-old infant and Nobel Peace Prize winner- absurd. I only hope that Mr. Hawkins reputation is not somehow tarnished by his association to Weekly Recap!”
    -Don Johnson (the Denver TV Public Access reviewer, not the actor)

“No, we don’t let our kids watch Weekly Recap! The language and violence are not suitable for children…
(interruption in the comment as someone explains there is not violence or bad language)
“… Oh, my mistake. I naturally assumed after viewing Weekly Recap! For a few seconds that someone with Mr. Zillman’s lack of culture and insight that these videos were some lame attempt at Shock Jock radio but on video instead.”    
         - Jaime Juggernaught (carpool mom for Whispering Meadows subdivision)

“Listen, we understand that most people only click on the videos to read the negative reviews. And we are running out of funny negative reviews. So, the interest in the show will likely soon become less than it already is. We only hope that the web crawlers we purchased to ramp up our views can make up the difference. The Weekly Recap! staff is starting to worry they won’t get next Friday. So if you would like to leave a negative review it would be really helpful. We have families to feed around here.”
    - Mrs. XXXX (Weekly Recap! staffer)
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