Mary and Joseph had a lot of different plans that got derailed. For starters, they planned on getting married. I don’t know about you, but if I were Joseph and my fiancé showed up one day and said “Listen, an angel came to me last night and told me I was going to give birth to the Messiah...still wanna get married?” I also would need a visit from an angel to tell me not to leave her in the dust. We’re so familiar with this story that sometimes we forget that this had never happened before! This was not something they could even plan for!
Not only is Mary now pregnant, but they have to go to Bethlehem to be a part of a census that an oppressive government said they had to do. Also not part of the plan! If you haven’t had the chance to experience pregnancy, it is a double-edged sword. I love my son and I’m so grateful to have another one on the way, but the act of being pregnant (for me anyway) is just awful. I’ll spare you the worst of it, but even if you’re out of the dreaded first trimester, you could still be nauseous for any reason, the heartburn makes you want to never eat again, AND you’ve got this wonderful life you’re building kicking all your vital organs at anytime of day or night (talk about feeling unappreciated!). Try doing that and riding a donkey on an uneven road with no nice rest stops along the way in the desert from here to Cañon City!
That is like fruitcake at Christmas dinner: thank you for the offer but I will pass.