Restful Holiday?

Bri Perkins • December 22, 2020

Do those two words even go together? I didn’t think so at first either. Unless you’re one of the kids on school break, this might not even sound possible. But what do we know about Jesus? With him, all things are possible!

Obviously he’s the whole reason we celebrate this time every year. Yet, it doesn’t take but a minute to stray from him and his purpose for coming here. Jesus, the Messiah, Immanuel God with us. The one who came to love, save and redeem us. We have a whole holiday devoted to him, his birth, and his presence in our lives. What a great opportunity for the world to witness his light, and through us; what an honor!

It’s easy to become mesmerized by the lights, the music and the feel of Christmas. We set our hearts on being giving and looking for those who need extra encouragement; which is so great! But as the 25th gets closer and closer, busyness can take over and stress can set in: shopping for presents, preparing for get-togethers or zoom-gethers, working overtime, anxiety of all kinds, closing out the year with a bang, getting a head start on the new year, and so on. And then we look up, and we’ve missed it. We’ve missed the opportunity to see Jesus, to rest, to celebrate, well... the whole point of Christmas. 

And so, this Christmas season, I want to give all of us a challenge. And that challenge is to REST. Study rest in the Bible and see what you find. Take the time to look at Jesus. What can you learn from him in holiday settings and when he had the need for rest, both physical and spiritual?

We are his disciples and we devote ourselves to being committed to him and obeying his words, following him wherever he may go. Why is it so hard for us to follow him into rest? Why is it so hard for us to have the self-control and discipline to seek solitude or to be still in God’s presence when we need it most? 

Think about Jesus:
When he was tired he sat down and got a drink, he slept anywhere (even during a storm on a boat), he ditched the crowd, he went alone to be with God constantly, he reclined at the table, he stayed where he was for a few more days. 

What’s the rush? 

We’re obsessed with the illusion of words like busy and hurry. What if we could get just as excited about the true concept of rest?! And not rest in the way the world defines it.  

I look forward to that great eternal rest, whenever that may be. But until then, I will keep going to Jesus for my rest just like he asks me to do. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

If we do this, I have no doubt that we will find true rest and therefore be able to celebrate and enjoy this holiday season. Merry Christmas!

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