We are the DCC - The Hansons

September 14, 2020

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of The Denver Church of Christ.
Welcome to the second episode of our "We are the DCC: Finding Peace in a Divided World" series.

In this series, we will hear from our very own members how they have discovered peace in an increasingly divided world. They will share experiences and/or exposure to unfair or unjust behavior. They will reflect on how getting to know Christ has shaped how their responses and attitudes to these situations. And finally, they express how they are finding peace with themselves and others in the middle of divisive and often unjust world.  

We hope you enjoy getting to know each of these amazing individuals and can take away something from their story that helps inspire, encourage and strengthen you along your own journey!
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