Weekly Recap!

Christopher Zillman • April 12, 2020

What to do when you lose your mind a little bit.

A series to review the weekly "doings" of the Denver Church of Christ hosted by Chris Zillman. A combination of information, biography, philosophy and theology. Super boring. Necessary. Here are some reviews of the series:

I used to love Saturdays. Now I dread them. I have talked to Facebook and Youtube but somehow this video still gets added to my feed each week. I’m reminded of what depths our culture has plummeted by seeing that this weekly series exists. 
             -MommyOF3 (from the comments section)

I one time saw a bird crash into our front window. He didn’t die or anything. He was able to fly away. Later though, he flew into the window again. He still didn’t die. I felt sorry that a creature could be so clueless as to not realize they were basing their head against a solid object. It’s exactly the same thing I feel about the host of this show. 
          - Jean Kramer (anthropologist for the Chicago Field Museum)

I’m pretty sure I could hear a toilet flush in the background sound during this episode. That was the most exciting part of the entire show. 
          - A teen from the South Region. 
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