Grab a Snickers!

Angela DeAquino • April 13, 2020

“My soul finds rest in God alone..."

Today I was reading in Psalm 62:1-2

David writes:
“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my
salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

During this time, David is towards the end of his life. The days of fighting Goliath were far
behind him. Killing the bear and the lion seem like a distant memory. Even in one of the lowest
moments in David’s life when he committed adultery with Bathsheba, that too was now in the
distant past.

In this moment, David was facing a new trial. In David’s old age, his sons began to turn against
him, his own flesh and blood wanted to kill him in order to take his throne. It was during this time
that David decided to flee to the desert. It was in his despair that he wrote this psalm.
Look at what this psalm reveals about David’s heart. I can only imagine the sadness he must
have felt, the fear that could have overtaken him. But, as we read we see that HIS SOUL IS AT
REST. He sees God as his ROCK, FORTRESS, and SALVATION.

We know that David’s life came with many trials, and moments when he even felt abandoned by
God. But, in his old age it is obvious that his view of God only matured. He is secure in who God
is and how He will work in his life. He knows that he can be at peace through this severe trial.

When I go through trials my first reaction isn’t always to turn to God and be secure in who He is
in my life. Honestly, sometimes I desire to turn to things like ice-cream, Netflix, my phone even.
Have you ever seen a Snicker’s commercial? You see someone “hangry” and the only way to
satisfy their craving is to “grab a snickers”. Instantly with one bite they become calm, and at
peace. They once again are satisfied. It’s so easy to turn to things that we think will satisfy us,
but end up only really satisfying us superficially and temporarily. Once the distraction (or
snickers bar) is over, we once again feel fear, distress, worry.

Right now, for many of us, this situation is a trial. Some of us have family members affected by
COVID-19. Maybe someone in our family has lost a job. Maybe you are just grieving the loss of
physical connection with friends, sporting events, concerts.
I admire David’s maturity and heart in this scripture. He knows that God did not abandoned him.
He knows that God is near and that his soul can be at peace. He even feels so strongly in who
God is and he says, “I will never be shaken!”

Let’s learn from David, let us turn to God and believe in who God is. Let’s throw aside the things
that are only giving us temporary satisfaction and turn to God who will satisfy our souls.
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