Women's Monthly Devotionals

April 21, 2021

The Denver Church of Christ is excited to announce that we will begin having a women’s congregational midweek on the fourth Tuesday of each month! During each midweek, we will spend some time examining the women of the Bible, exploring their stories from various angles and pulling out the principles that unite us with them—a sisterhood of ancient and modern women trying to walk with God! We will rotate the location throughout our various regions, and will always provide an online option.

Tuesday, April 27, 7pm • Lone Tree Hub, 8827 Lone Tree Pkwy, Lone Tree, CO 80124. 

and Zoom option (click here for link).

Esther: From Happily ever after to “for such a time as this”

Most of us are familiar with Esther, the young Jewish woman who risked her life almost 2500 years ago and thereby saved her people. But beneath this broad storyline is a backdrop filled with themes that still resonate today. 

From being an orphan forced into the king’s harem to becoming the chosen Queen, Esther walked a fine line between subjugation and power. She had to choose whether or not she would trust those around her, and whether or not she would trust a God who seemed so absent his name isn’t even mentioned in her story. 

How much of her own well-being, her own “happily ever after” was she willing to risk for others?  How did she use her power, privilege and influence? 

We will dive in together to consider these aspects of her story and wrestle with its current applications for each of us as women created “for such a time as this.”

Please spend some time reading the book of Esther in preparation for our time together. 

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